I can’t wait to read your responses this week. Book length is important. I personally select the length by my mood and, of course, the time I have available.
This week I want to know: What is your preferred book length?
1. Short Story Less than 30 pages (about 30 minutes to read)
2. Novellette 30 – 68 pages (about an hour to read)
3. Novella 68 – 160 pages (about three hours to read)
4. Novel 160 pages and up (over three hours to read)
Tell me in the comments. You can write the length or the number. So, “novel” or 4.
I ask for interaction purposes AND to help with my upcoming projects. That’s it. I’ll “see” you in the comments.
Novel. Definitely.
Me too. That’s my default. I read it all. But novels are snack worthy. 🙂
I love to read novellas when I have a busy week.
I generally look for novels, but depending on how much I like it, even some novels end too soon. Really, I don’t care about the length going in. I just care about whether or not I’ll like the story and love the characters. 🙂
I agree. <3